
Sale and rent of real estate
Homex Realty helps you quickly sell or rent your real estate without commission

Real estate for sale and rent
Through Homex Realty, it is possible to find real estate according to your imagination in the easiest and fastest way, and most importantly, without commission.

Advertising on social platforms
Homex Realty by posting a real estate ad on social platforms increases the visibility of the ad

Urgent sale or lease
Homex Realty's EMERGENCY section can also find a place for your ad, which will help you achieve results faster. You can also use the individual advertisement of the announcement on social platforms.

3D modeling
With Homex Realty, you can get the 3D modeling of the real estate of your dreams.
Properties sale
Properties rent
For more information about our services, get in touch with our expert consultants
You can contact us and our specialists will answer all your questions.